rough shot list of movie.

  • Establishing shot, people playing rugby
  • Shot of corridor leading to changing room
  • Standing in a room camera pointing out of the door i walk past with my rugby clothes on, follows slightly out the door.
  • Close up of dirty rugby boots.
  • Camera still on it, I grab the boots and half out the door
  • Camera on floor level i walk cuts off once im at a long shot
  • Medium close up . Me and other rugby caption walk into shot
  • Quick Pans in words to close up me and other rugby caption face to face shows intensity referee behind rugby players saying rules. Says shake hands we do then walk out of shot.
  • Use filler video of people playing 
  • I go in for tackle slow motion shot of knee hitting my jaw
  • Cuts to black for 3 seconds 
  • Pov shot from ground of people around me
  • Keeps going in and out of consensus this is represented by fades to black for a second
  • Beeping of a hospital 
  • POV shot from near the floor like i'm being dragged off the bitch on a stretcher
  • Muttering in the background is he ok
  • Wake up in bed pov shot of me looking around hospital bed i look at by leg which is in a boot
  • Quick cut to close up of my leg in boot
  • Quick cut to the door doctor walks in (this is meant to represent how quickly my character's life has changed 
  • Doctor comes to me and says i wont be able to walk again
  • Fades to black. One sentence of narration eg “this is when my journey began”
    more close up of faces to show expression 

  • Not in hospital in bed 
  • Doctor was in the room from beginning 
  • Single shot of thing he notices, then cuts to him
  • Introduce room as hes noticing things eg clock,calendar,doctor
