Creating storyline for your film

Common storylines which are used in sporting dramas. 

In this blog I will be talking about the storyline of my sporting drama film. There are two different types of storylines in most sporting drama conventions. One of which being a redemption/comeback sporting drama, which usually consists of a sporting star who's at the upper echelon of his sport however suffered a life altering injury of spirals into a diction due to the love of a loss one, something along this basis. Southpaw is a prime example, in southpaw we watch a up and coming boxer who has a title fight with the champion, however this bright future gets taken away due to the death of his wife, he then spirals into alcohol and drug abuse then loosing his daughter. He hits the lowest of the low however than meets his mentor. A mentor is commonly used in sporting dramas to help the protagonist evolve as an athlete, in this case his fighting style was very damaging to him, which we then see change due to his mentor who turns him into a defence fighter. We then see him come back and beat the odds and win the belt. This is a typical narrative structure of a redemption/comeback story.

The other more typically used narrative structure for a sporting drama would be the underdog story. This is seen in a movie like Rocky, a small time boxer who gets the opportunity to fight for the heavyweight championship just out of pure luck.  We watch him train and develop a relationship with the character. He then fights the champ he losses however comes extremely close to winning. This is a typical underdog story, the end usually consist of them winning of instead having a gracious defeat by putting up a extreamly close fight.

The storyline for my movie.
My movie will be a sporting drama however it will be part of the redemption/comeback story which isn't usually the common type of storyline for sporting dramas, however I feel like it allows you to build a stronger connection with the character, due to being able to see his fall from grace. My movie will be set up into 3 different acts.

My movie will follow a young up and coming rugby player called max. Who we see is extremely eager to play the sport, this is shown as my opening scene consists of him coming to practice hours early, showing his dedication to the sport.

We then cut into a middle of a rugby game seconds before max suffers a tragic injury potentially ending his ability to walk. We next see him waking up in a hospital after being in a coma. He's gets told he may never be able to walk again and that his rugby career is definitely over. This stage of the movie is seen as the downfall, were we see a potentially great athlete hit bottom. We see for the next couple months he's still hospitalised however he's working on his ability to walk again. Cuts to 7 months later and there's hope as he slowly takes his first couple steps again.

We are then put into the comeback part of the story. He's able to walk however still has a type of hobble and isn't in good shape. He's gained weight, grown a beard and his girlfriend no longer pics up his phone or even talks to him. He's at the lowest part of his life, he then enters a bar to drink his sorrows away. It cuts to a few hours later and many more drinks later. Max then notices a man walk into the bar, a former rugby legend Johny strong bones Bronson. He remembers Johny from his childhood as one of the best rugby players ever, however nowadays he's an old man. He goes over to Johny and drunkenly tells his tragic story, however whilst doing so Johny also recognises Max as one of the most potentially gifted rugby up and comers. During this conversation Johny is able to see the hurt and sadness within max due to the lost of the game he loves. He questions Max about the effort he is willing to put in to be able to play rugby again. Max drunkenly says "Its all I know". Johny takes Max under his wing and tells him "its not going to be easy, or fun or even worth it, but I'll get you to play rugby again". Johny will be in the narrative role of mentor in the movie helping Max improve as an athlete and a person.

There would then be a montage of Max slowly improving his body and his spinal problems. This scene would have diegetic music playing in the background were we see the growth of Max. It cuts to months later and Max is able to walk normally again without looking awkward. He goes back to his rugby club enthusiastically going to the coach, telling him about the work he's been putting in to play the sport he loves again, However the coach bluntly tells Max "Your to much of a risk" due to the potential of the injury happening again. The line swiftly shoots down Max's dreams of playing rugby again. That night he goes into the pub after not answering any of Johny's call. We then see Johny enter the pub, walks over and sits next to max. Max again drunkly tells Johny how he's giving up. This is when we see Johny as a type of farther figure to Max as there would be long scene of Johny and Max. This time Johny's not training Max but instead talking about life to Max, this scene will show Max changing as a person, later on quitting drinking. Johny would later tell Max to use the emotion he got from being turned down by his former coach to trying to prove him wrong.

There would then be another montage however in this one Max is in create shape but it would consist of strengthening his spine and also showing the ability to run again.  Max would then join another rugby club with a bad record in a low division, however this rag tag group of players have massive potential which we would see mentor Johnny unlock. We would then have a tense moment we're Max will walk back onto the rugby pitch and playing his first ever contact game since the injury. Max would get the ball and be quicker than ever and athletically at his prime. Max however gets tackled in the game, this moment would be in slow motion as his teammates and mentor would watch to see if Max is ok. He then stands up in a triumphant moment running back after the person who had just taken the ball and landing a massive tackle from behind. This moment would show the re-emergence of Max and his rugby career looking better than ever however with a slight worry for the injury.

We would then see a colliadge of rugby games played by Max and his new team, slowly climbing up the rankings until they're in second place behind Max's old rugby team. This would be the final battle for Max. The last game of the year would be the finals which would consist of Max's rag tag group of players and Max's old team consisting of highly ranked players. The mentor would give a inspirational pep talk to which inspires the whole team. The next day the game would start. With an intense stare down by Max to his former coach who smirks at him. The game would then start, it would be extremely close with Max's team being down by 5 points at halftime, Johnny would then again give a inspirational speech which would lead to Max's team playing amazing and eventually having the lead on Max's old team, However minutes before the game is finished Max would be illegally barged in the back sending a gasp through the audience. The ref would blow the whistle and send off the other player. We would then have a dramatic moment were we see Max slowly pick himself up and be ready to go again, showing his heart and determination. Max would then go on to score the last try of the game leadings to the win. Max would also get a tryout for a legitimate rugby team in-front of his old coach, ending off this redemption story.
