Sports drama opening sequence analysis 4 - RUSH

In this post I will be analysing the conventions used in the opening scene of the movie Rush. A sports drama based on formula one driving.

Conventions that can be found in the opening sequence consists of:

  • The first shot of the movie is a close up panning upwards, this allows the iconography of the Ferrari logo to be seen and also tells us he is in a formula one car.
  • The start of the movie also consists of the person in the close up narrating. He is talking about the danger that comes with the sport.
  • Long shot panning downwards reveals large crowds and also advertisement along the walls
  • The camera keeps panning down until we see more iconography as rival driver is surrounded by girls
  • Suspense building music slowly starts rising in volume
  • Quick shots between drivers build suspense
  • Use of iconography as inspectors check the cars 
  • Close up of rival driver shows appropriate sporting wear
  • Camera cuts to shot off rival driver with women in the foreground and the protagonist in the background looking at the rival. This shows to the audience there is an intense rival between one another, the narration also fills in the back story between one another
  • Coach is introduced with a medium shot, shot composition allows us to understand they are close 
  • Close up of rival driver shows accurate iconography as he's putting his helmet on and getting ready for the race
  • Shots between protagonist and antagonist build suspense further amplifies rivalry
  • abrupt cut to cars revving engines just before the race
  • Close up of different sections of cars eg engine, exhaust
  • Extreme long shot showing all the cars and the audience. This also allows iconography to be shown as we see part of the track and the audience
  • Extreme close up between both drivers, building suspense
  • Music gets drowned out by loud sounds of engine
  • Quick editing, cuts to person waving flag. race quickly starts throwing audience into the action
  • Close up of speed dials on the car
  • shaky camera work, quick pans mixed with quick editing  emphasis speed of the cars 
  • Floor level shot, shows cars driving in and out of the shot in seconds

A extremely common convention of sporting dramas is the music which comes along with it. In this case there is no music however there is background narration explaining the back story with the protagonist and the antagonist.The narrator also explains the danger that comes with the sport as well this is foreshadowing as the main narrative drive is a accident. Once the race starts the editing is extremely quick, cutting from many different angles and distances. 
