Sports drama opening sequence analysis 3 - SOUTHPAW

In this post I will be looking at the opening sequence to the critically acclaimed Southpaw a sporting drama revolving around the world of boxing.

 Sporting drama conventions that can be found in the opening sequence of Southpaw:
  • The movie starts of with a close up of the protagonists face, showing damage all over the face also putting the audience inside the ring, making us close with the protagonist
  • The use of muffled sounds and a ringing gives the impression he may be hurt
  • The scene also starts using slow motion something commonly used in sporting dramas as it allows the audience to analyse what is happening on the screen for longer therefor giving attention to the shot
  •  The close up allows us to see the mouthguard in his mouth (iconography)
  •  We then see a punch come from behind the camera, this allows us to see the damage the shot inflicts and also the iconography being use eg the boxing glove
  • The shot lands then it cuts to a long shot showing the ring
  • The slow motion affect is also gone and the muffled noise, this allows us to see the fight from an outside perspective as we can hear the commentators (iconography)
  • The protagonist takes a couple more shots then It cuts to a close up of the love interest of the movie showing worry on her face
  • Long shot allows use to see the iconography eg the ring, boxing wear and also the referee
  • Low angled shot from outside the ring showing the media taking pictures which is another use of iconography
  • Establishing shot shows off the iconography being used, were able to see the entire boxing ring, the monitors at the top showing off the fight and also the audience in attendance showing this is a large fight
  • Establishing shot also reveals the venue is in Madison square garden a notorious area for sporting events
  • The editing speeds up showing the intensity of the fight, also creating the affect of the shots having power behind them
  • Close up of both the love interest and the manger two key characters in the narrative drive of this movie
  • Horizontal pan showing announcers behind monitors calling the fight this is iconography due to it being extremely accurate 
  • Bell rings indicating end of round 
  • Close up showing damage on protagonists left eye, doctor also comes into shot 
  • Extreme long shot, with ring girl in the centre of the shot. this is iconography 
  • Fight commentators mention the champion is on ring side and will fight the winner, this allows us to assume he is going to be the antagonist of the movie
  • Close up introducing us to the antagonist, who taunts to the camera indicating he will fight the winner of the fight. 
  • Medium close up of opponent in his corner introduce corner men and coach another use of iconography
  • Close up of protagonist in his corner, shot composition showing protagonist and coach are close 
  • Shallow focus, the four-ground is blurred we can see the protagonist in the ring, in the background which is in focus we can see the love interest giving him motivation
  • Cuts to close up showing minute features in his face for a second indicating happiness
  • A powerful shot is landed the camera is then turned 180 degrees, this creates a noticeable change in the editing indicating the tide of the fight has changed
  • He then lands a punch knocking opponent down, iconography is then used as the referee starts counting up to 10
  • Opponent makes fight protagonist then runs across and knocks him out, it quickly cuts to the love interest showing relief on her face
  • Bell dings indicating end of fight, camera immediately cuts to antagonist
  • Camera pans out as protagonist is celebrating showing audience cheering this is commonly done in sporting dramas
  • Ring announcer announces winner of the fight this is iconography
A extremely common convention of sporting dramas which is the music is not found in this opening scene instead the connection between the protagonist and his love interest is heavily shown to the audience by many close ups and quick cuts, for example the protagonist wins the fight and it immediately cuts to the love interest, showing massive amounts of relief. The reason for the love interest being introduced to the audience so heavily is due to the movie being a tragedy sports drama as he loves his love interest, therefor they are allowing the audience to see the extreme connection between both characters. The iconography used in this film is also very typical for sporting dramas based around boxing however this movie adds certain more iconographical features for example, ring announces sitting behind the monitors, the location being Madison square garden known for many historical boxing bouts. The editing also emphasised the location, mixed with the narration allowing the audience to understand the significance the arena has with boxing.
