Sports Drama - Character types/Functions within narrative

In this post I will be looking at the character types which are communally used in sporting dramas and the functions they have within the narrative.

Character types

  • The underdog (main character) 
  • The mentor/teacher
  • The love interest
  • The unbeatable opposition
  • The manger/ evil mentor

The Underdog

In sports drama the underdog is almost always the protagonist, he is the character that the audience roots for. The underdog is the main driver of the narrative as the move revolves around him and his journey to the top. The Underdog can also be someone who was at the top of their sport however due to tragic events had spiralled downwards out of control. We see the underdog overcome adversity this is what makes him so likeable to the audience.

Image result for rocky vs drago

The Mentor/Teacher

The mentor of the movie is usually introduced near the beginning/middle of the movie. The narrative role of the mentor is to allow the audience to see the progress that the Underdog makes in his sport. The mentor is often older than the underdog and plays I type of father figure role in the movie helping the protagonist evolve as a person and also a athelete. His job is to stop the downwards spiral the protagonist is going in and change it into a course of success.

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The Love interest 

The love interest of the movie is usually an attractive female who has a romantic relationship with he underdog. There role is usually quite feminine as there main role in the narrative is to support the protagonist though there journey to get on-top of the sporting world. They are also a motivator for the protagonist however in some tragic sports drama the love interest may suffer some type of tragedy eg death. This then can either be used to start the downwards spiral of protagonist of elevate him to another level concurring there sport for there lost love.

Image result for southpaw love interest

The unbeatable opposition (antagonist)

The unbeatable opposition is always the antagonist of the film, he usually features as the climax of the film were the protagonist either wins or comes close to winning however this may sometimes be a team of individuals if the sporting drama is oriented around a team sport. The antagonist is usually physically superior to the protagonist and is seen to be the favourite to win. Thought the movie he is shown and built up as the final showdown. His narrative drive is to be the opposition and the unbeatable odds in the movie.

Image result for creed 2 cast adonis next to russian

The Manger/ Evil mentor

The manger is not an essential character in sporting dramas however does appear in many sporting dramas. The characters narrative role can vary from being on the side of the protagonist to being a scheming maniacal character who uses the protagonist for his own personal gain. He can also be against the protagonist and may be another hurdle the protagonist has to overcome. In certain movies this character can also be used as the antagonistic coach who helps the antagonist much like the mentor and the protagonist.

Image result for jaden smith karate kid master Li
