Conventions of opening scenes regardless of genre

In this post I will be looking at the common conventions which are featured in opening scenes regardless of genre. I will be looking at how an area is established and introduced to the audience, I shall also do this with characters and how an opening scene may create enigma.

An opening scene of a movie usually starts off with an establishing scene this is almost guaranteed as it is the most efficient way in introducing the audience to an area. A establishing shot is essentially a shot taken of an area extremely far away which allows the entire area as a whole to fit into the frame.

Image result for establishing shot

After an establishing shot, a character is usually introduced. Commonly this is the protagonist but it may also be the antagonist. Depending on the type of character and the moral code he/her has the music comparing the character will be drastically different.

For example

Darth Vader has one of the most iconic Introductions and musical accompaniment in Theatrical history. He is a character which embodies evil this is clearly shown by the music and his centre posting in the shot. This is also shown by the dead bodies laying around him and the Storm Troopers standing ready for his commands, showing the power he has in the empire.

On the other hand

The introduction of the protagonist "Captain Jack Sparrow" contrasts heavily with the introduction to a evil character such a Vader. Jack Sparrow is seen on the top of a sinking ship with the sea and sky behind him creating an eye catching image which will be stained in the audiences minds. The music in the introduction also further amplifies the fact that Captain Jack Sparrow is the protagonist of this movie, due to the use of trumpets and brass instruments which gives a sense of triumph and glory. His ship also slowly sinks down into the docks however this allows for a comical introduction to Jack as he casually walks off the soon to be fully submerged boat and walks onto the docks.

Movies that take more to the horror genre usually don't introduce a character straight away, they often introduce the mystery, or give a short glimpse of an evil creature, which leaves the audiences mind racing.

However there are always certain Conventions that occur regardless of genre, many of these occur before the actual movie has begun for example:

  • Studio/Production Company Logo
  • Titles (but usually occur at the end of the movie)
  • The topic/theme of the movie is usually introduced early in the beginning however this is usually for movies that are less difficult to understand eg super hero movie.
  • Narration or text eg Star Wars
  • Non-diegetic and diegetic sound, usually diegetic as it allows the audience to understand the scene and the type of genre
  • The creation of enigma
