Opening sequence and Enigma/Mystery -The Women In Black

The second movie I will be analysing is The Women In Black a thriller movie staring Daniel Radcliffe, whom is uncovering a dark secret in his late clients house.
I will be analysing how this opening scene creates a Enigma for the audience which builds the foundation for the plot:
  • Movie starts on a closeup of a tea cup, this use of camera work makes the audience clueless to were they are
  • .Eerie childish music sets in emphasising a sense of sinisterness 
  • Cuts to stereotypically scary doll
  • Shows innocent kids playing with dolls however the music and the use of mine-en-scene with the dolls sets of alarms with the audience, creating suspense and enigma, as to what will happen next
  •  Shot of children smiling seemingly happy however you see the children staring into the camera which is in the corner of room. There faces immediately turn into a thrown, This is a clear juxtaposition
  • The children all stare at the window with an intense focus, then walk towards it crushing there dolls and tea cups showing they are hypnotised/possessed this creates extreme enigma. This also creates 
  • The kids slowly walk towards the windows and each of them stands directly in-front of them, They simultaneously open the windows showing something unnatural occurring.  This creates mystery as the audience wants to understand this was happening
  • The kids jump out of the window the camera slowly zooms out showing a mysterious, sinister women dressed in all black in the corner of the room. This creates a massive mystery which sets the foundation for the movie 
