Sports drama opening sequence analysis 2 - CREED 2

Analysing the sports drama conventions found in Creed 2

Sporting drama conventions found in the opening sequence of Creed 2 consist of:
  • Close up of boxing trophy 
  • Nostalgic music with non-diegetic noises of fans cheering
  • Use of mise-en-scene poster on wall showing antagonist from original rocky franchise
  • Suspense creating music
  • Close up showing wrapping of hands which is iconography 
  •  Medium shot of character walking down corridor getting ready to fight. Quick cut into extremely long angled shot, sudden jump shocks audience 
  • Typical iconography eg sporting wear, boxing shorts, boxing gloves also the use of a boxing ring
  • mellow, suspense creating music which doesn't intensify when opponent is knocked down. Gives off the impression of lack off effort
  • Extreme long shot, showing small boxing ring with a small audience. this combined with the music creates a impassion of secretivity 
  •  Close up showing no damage was taken. Now creating a sense of invincibility to audience
  • Medium shot shows mouth guard being taken out, then cuts to close up of referee waving off the fight. This shows he already knew his opponent was done showing his confidence.
  • Bell rings and typical referee clothing which is common iconography found in boxing movies

One of the most common conventions of a sporting drama is the music and the change in mood it can give to the audience, however the lack of the typical triumphed music which in this case was changed with a sinister slow tempo piece indicates to the audience that the character we are meeting is not the protagonist but in fact the antagonist . The use of iconography is also a staple in sporting dramas, which applies to this opening scene due to the use of the boxing gloves, referee uniform, ring etc. Sporting dramas usally consists of quick editing and short cuts however this was not the case in this opening scene apart from when he was in the ring this made the antagonists to seem more powerful as the quick shots juxtaposed with the slow long takes which were used all thought the beginning of the opening scene. The distance of shot also allowed the audience to see this was a fight with a small audience creating an underground feeling to the fight. The use of medium shots also showed the physical prowess of the character giving him the sense of an unbeatable opponent also due to the dominant performance in the fight. 
