Opening sequence 1 - Star Wars

 The Sci-Fi movie ''Star Wars'' is a epic space opera, franchise which was created by George Lucas. The film is based on the fight for the good of the universe, evil vs good. The franchise is known for its amazing space scenes and the creative worlds the movie is set in. The movie stars off with the production company name appearing then Lucas films will appearing shortly after. The movie then starts and a sequence of a yellow text against a scene of space. Scrolling down giving a short insight into the background of the narrative which allows the audience to jump straight into the movie. We are shown the iconic yellow text however are then thrown into a scene of a peaceful galaxy, however then a massive space battle commences with one ship flying away and another is on pursuit. This puts the audience into an exciting action sequence and establishes the fight between protagonist and antagonist (the small space ship flying away from the large space ship) the small ship needing to flee from the more superior ''empire'' which is taking over the galaxy by force.

The opening of Star Wars straight away creates a conflict from good vs evil. We see the protagonist being chased by the antagonist. The protagonist are clearly heavily under armed and weaker were as the protagonist seem powerful and seem more technically advanced. With the protagonist having a smaller ship than the antagonist this creates the feeling of their being a under dog which immediately  gives the audience a side to vote for. The camera angle of the massive ship over the planet allows us to realize the size of the threat.

To summarise Star Wars includes the following conventions of opening sequences:

  • Include production company logo
  • Establish style
  • Set up Enigma/create mystery
  • Introduce the plot/story line
  • Establish Genre
  • Introduce the setting
  • introduce important characters, revealing their traits.
