My Opening Scene - Rough Shot List
different types of shots.
ES: Field.
ES: another shot from a different part of the forest to give the feeling of danger.
LS: Different part of forest which shows the women coming into the forest.
TS: Tracking shot behind women walking.
TS: In front of women walking.
MS1: The women is walking down the forest. She walks past camera.
MS2: Cuts to next camera and continues showing her walking.
L/MS: women turning the corner and walking into the field.
MS: cuts to closer image of person in field.
CU: close up of person in field.
ES: shot to mill hill park.
MS: Man on bench reading a news paper.
OS: over shoulder shot of man reading newspaper.
CU: close up of newspaper which talks about murder.
CU: of shovel going into the ground.
MCU: murder digging into ground. This increases interest.
MCU: of man reading newspaper of murder then speaks about the chase of the murder
CU: of women walking in the forest
CU: she walks past the camera leaving the killer.
MS: killer standing their.
LS: shot of killer walking behind girl from far.
LS: killer dragging body through field.
CS: killer way closer to victim shot taken from in front.
LS: killer throws bag into ditch in the floor.
BSU: killer grabbing women.
CS: of shovel were you can see the reflection of the killers body.
CU: close up of dead body in field.
MS: Shot of mud being thrown onto the body.
ES: Last establishing shot of the area.
ES: Field.
ES: another shot from a different part of the forest to give the feeling of danger.
LS: Different part of forest which shows the women coming into the forest.
TS: Tracking shot behind women walking.
TS: In front of women walking.
MS1: The women is walking down the forest. She walks past camera.
MS2: Cuts to next camera and continues showing her walking.
L/MS: women turning the corner and walking into the field.
MS: cuts to closer image of person in field.
CU: close up of person in field.
ES: shot to mill hill park.
MS: Man on bench reading a news paper.
OS: over shoulder shot of man reading newspaper.
CU: close up of newspaper which talks about murder.
CU: of shovel going into the ground.
MCU: murder digging into ground. This increases interest.
MCU: of man reading newspaper of murder then speaks about the chase of the murder
CU: of women walking in the forest
CU: she walks past the camera leaving the killer.
MS: killer standing their.
LS: shot of killer walking behind girl from far.
LS: killer dragging body through field.
CS: killer way closer to victim shot taken from in front.
LS: killer throws bag into ditch in the floor.
BSU: killer grabbing women.
CS: of shovel were you can see the reflection of the killers body.
CU: close up of dead body in field.
MS: Shot of mud being thrown onto the body.
ES: Last establishing shot of the area.
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